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Título : An Improvement proposal for mismatch condition problem in dragon test system
Autor : Carpio Binuya, Bernard
Palabras clave : Dragon test system;Sistems
Sede: Campus Mexicali
Fecha de publicación : jun-2018
Editorial : STI
Tijuana, B.C.
Citación : SKYWORKS
Resumen : Equipment availability in a Manufacturing company is one of the three factors to measure overall equipment effectiveness (OEE). It is the percentage of time that equipment is operating compared to the planned time of operation or available downtime losses (Munro, Ramu, & Zrymiak, 2015). The other factors that contribute to the OEE are performance and quality as shown in equation (a). All the factors in this project will be directed to availability. OEE = Availability x Performance x Quality (a) Availability is the ability of the company to utilize resources in order to produce more products. It is also a metric that can be used to measure the performance and to effectively asses company’s own growth. Skyworks is working continuous to improve the OEE that would directly impact the gross margin (GM). Gross margin is a company's total sales revenue minus its cost of goods sold, divided by total sales revenue, expressed as a percentage (Investopedia.com, n.d.). As mentioned, the more availability, the more goods to be produced thus increasing the sales. The general objective of this project is to search and define the causes of the downtime and make recommendations to eliminate or minimize such factors. The project will be focused on identifying different factors that affect the productivity and measures its contribution to the total downtime. This document presents the project investigation that consists of the definition and plan of the problem development. Some technical terms are well explained in the later part of the document based from credible sources. Case studies are also to explore in relation with this project.
Grado Académico : Maestria
Para obtener el grado de Maestría en Ingeniería e Innovación
Descripción : T2-2018
Tesis (Maestría) - CETYS Universidad
URI : https://repositorio.cetys.mx/handle/60000/1104
Aparece en las colecciones: Tesis y Monografías

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