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Título : Responsible management education
Título de capítulo: PRME chapter Latin America & The Caribbean
Autor : Arbaiza Ríos, Maritza
Arruda Filho, Norma de Paula
Carrión Puelles, Naldi S.
Estrada-Merino, Alfredo
García de la Torre, Consuelo Aledaila
González Gutiérrez, Victoria
Fructuozo Loiola, Gustavo
Molina, Christiane
Sanabria Villanueva, Jorge
Stuart Alvarado, Patricia
Yepes-López, Gustavo Adolfo
Palabras clave : Background;Responsible;Management education
Sede: Campus Mexicali
Fecha de publicación : dic-2021
Citación : Principles for Responsible Management Education, (2021). Responsible Management Education: The PRME Global Movement (1st ed.). Routledge. https://doi.org/10.4324/9781003186311
Resumen : This book chapter discusses the background of the Principles for Responsible Management Education (PRME) Chapter for Latin America and the Caribbean, its actions, and achievements since its foundation that dates to 2011. With more than seven years of work and members from 16 countries in the Latin American region, this PRME Chapter has worked extensively in all six principles of PRME. This section of the book also presents some of the research that has been developed as joint efforts from the members of the Chapter. In addition, this part of the book lays out some of the plans for the future of the group.
URI : https://repositorio.cetys.mx/handle/60000/1470
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