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Título : Real-time 3D video processing using multi-stream GPU parallel computing
Otros títulos : Research in computing science
Autor : Picos, Kenia
Díaz Ramírez, Víctor H.
Tapia, Juan J.
Palabras clave : Graphics processing units;Parallel computing;CUDA streams;Image and video processing
Sede: Sistemas
Fecha de publicación : oct-2014
Citación : 80;
Resumen : This work presents a real-time video processing algorithm for 3D scenes using a graphics processor. The processing is based on parallel computing using concurrent kernels. The proposed algorithm processes individual pixels of each pair of input stereo images to obtain an anaglyph image for each frame. To reduce the computational time, a concurrent kernel implementation using POSIX threads and CUDA streams is utilized. Also, an asynchronous streams execution is used to increase overlapping of the video processing implementation. The obtained results are presented and discussed in terms of speedup and execution time.
metadata.dc.description.url: https://rcs.cic.ipn.mx/2014_80/Real-time%203D%20Video%20Processing%20Using%20Multi-stream%20GPU%20Parallel%20Computing.pdf
URI : https://repositorio.cetys.mx/handle/60000/417
ISSN : 1870-4069
Aparece en las colecciones: Artículos de Revistas

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