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Título : Exploration of the student learning experience in the course of Ethics in a humanistic vocation institution
Otros títulos : Human Review
Autor : Díaz López, Karla María
Palabras clave : Humanistic Education;Ethics;Vocación;Higher Education
Sede: Campus Ensenada
Fecha de publicación : dic-2019
Citación : 8;2
Resumen : Humanist education in universities seems to be an answer to the challenges that the knowledge society brings. In Mexico, CETYS University, aims to systematically promote among its students the formation of character, culture and science; as well as compliance with ethical requirements. This study describes the learning experience of engineering school students in the Human Being and Ethics subject, a qualitative analysis of the data was carried out, three categories emerged: Assuming an ethical position, Personal reflection on society and its problems, and Approach to philosophy and ethics, these categories that involve each other and form the same competence. The need to configure studies that allow deepening and understanding how and in what transcends the humanist vocation that sustains the institution for and in its students is patented.
metadata.dc.description.url: https://doi.org/10.37467/gka-revhuman.v8.2181
URI : https://repositorio.cetys.mx/handle/60000/844
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