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Título : An improvement proposal for mismatch condition problem in dragon test system
Autor : Marcelo Sy, Enrico
Palabras clave : Dragon test system
Sede: Campus Mexicali
Fecha de publicación : 15-jun-2018
Editorial : STI
Citación : SKYWORKS
Resumen : RF final test measurements include the DC to RF performance of components and are therefore included on the system offsets measurements to compensate for the deviations. The equivalent RF circuit of a test fixture involves parasitics and is complex; it can be lumped as a series or parallel circuit model, which represents the real and imaginary resistive and reactive parts of total equivalent circuit impedance. These parasitic components that greatly affect RF performance are significantly influenced by an uncontrolled variable such as the environmental factor. An environmental factor affects the behavior of the Radio Frequencies and microwave signals and impacts the parametric measured values. These measured value inconsistencies can result in incorrectly passing or failing products during the final test, such as when performing design validation, characterization and qualification before transitioning to final test production process. During test production set-up, often times a fixture-tester mismatch is encountered as an effect on measurement error as an added parasitic catalyst when humidity is introduced. This proposed project goal is to eliminate tester mismatch problem that are encountered on the test floor. This project is also completed in fulfillment for the requirement in Master’s Degree program in Engineering and Innovation. To achieve this, a new process method is proposed to provide solution to the existing problem that the current method does not consider. This proposed method is based on the experiment that was done thru simulations and circuit modeling where the test fixture is injected with a known level of power of different frequencies at the test points and measurements are taken on the adjacent pins. These procedures mimic the effects of the parasitic components on the RF signal performance within the fixture when it is installed on the automatic test equipment.
Grado Académico : Maestria
Descripción : T2-2018
URI : https://repositorio.cetys.mx/handle/60000/1109
Aparece en las colecciones: Tesis y Monografías

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