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Título : Entrepreneurial intention, an approach to the female population in a context of imprisonment on the northern border of Mexico
Autor : Sorzano Rodríguez, Deisy Milena
Lugo Gil, Crisel Yalitze
Flores Anaya, Yadira Zulith
Galván Vela, Esthela
Palabras clave : Entrepreneurial Intention;Female Population;Deprivation Of Liberty;Northern Border
Sede: Campus Tijuana
Fecha de publicación : 14-feb-2025
Editorial : UMA Editorial. Universidad de Málaga
Citación : Jambrino Maldonado, C., de las Heras Pedrosa, C., Cuesta-Valiño, P., & Ravina Ripoll, R. (Eds.). (2025). 8th International Academic and Professional Congress on Happiness: Communication, happiness, economy and innovation: Analysis of entrepreneurial ecosystems with a gender perspective. UMA Editorial. https://doi.org/10.24310/mumaedmumaed.221
Resumen : The aim of this article is to define what motivates women in contexts of imprisonment on the northern border of Mexico to become entrepreneurs. The study focuses on understanding the factors that influence this willingness to undertake despite being in a situation of deprivation of liberty. Given the nature of this study, the use of qualitative methodology was chosen, specifically the Grounded Theory technique under the Constant Comparison Method. The research was carried out through in-depth interviews with women deprived of their liberty in various detention centres in the border region. Aspects such as personal motivations for entrepreneurship, available skills and resources, as well as the specific challenges faced by these women in their incarceration environment were explored. The data obtained from these interviews were analysed using the Constant Comparison Method, which allows for the identification of patterns and recurring themes, facilitating a deeper understanding of the participants' experiences and perspectives. The results of the study suggest that, despite adverse conditions, women in prison are driven by a range of personal and social motivations for entrepreneurship. Among the motivations identified were the desire to improve their economic situation, the aspiration for a more stable future and the possibility of developing skills that would enable them to reintegrate into society successfully. The study also identified skills and talents that the women already possess or have developed during their time in prison, which can be used in their entrepreneurial initiatives. However, the study also reveals a number of significant challenges that these women face, such as lack of access to financial resources, limited support networks and social stigmatisation. These challenges not only affect the viability of their enterprises, but also impact their social reintegration process. Finally, a discussion is made on the understanding of how conditions of imprisonment can influence women's willingness and capacity for entrepreneurship. This knowledge can be used to design policies and support programmes that foster entrepreneurship as a tool for social reintegration, providing women in prison with the opportunities and resources necessary to develop their projects and successfully reintegrate into society. Ultimately, the study contributes to the discussion on the importance of supporting entrepreneurship in contexts of deprivation of liberty and its potential to transform lives and communities.
Descripción : Pág. 11
metadata.dc.description.url: https://doi.org/10.24310/mumaedmumaed.221
URI : https://repositorio.cetys.mx/handle/60000/1894
ISBN : 978-84-1335-084-4
Aparece en las colecciones: Ponencias

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