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Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 1 a 20 de 112
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Effect of psychosocial factors on Happiness at Word in Mexico.pdf.jpg2025-02-14Effect of psychosocial factors on Happiness at Word in MexicoGalván Vela, Esthela; Ravina-Ripoll, Rafael; Salazar-Altamirano, Mario Alberto; Martínez-Arvizu, Orlando Josué
Business ethics, corporate social responsibility.pdf.jpg2025-02-14Business ethics, corporate social responsibility, business training and innovative behavior as predictors of employee happinessMercader Pomarón, Victor Manuel; Galván Vela, Esthela; Salazar-Altamirano, Mario Alberto; Ravina-Ripoll, Rafael
Entrepreneurial intention, an approach to the female population.pdf.jpg2025-02-14Entrepreneurial intention, an approach to the female population in a context of imprisonment on the northern border of MexicoSorzano Rodríguez, Deisy Milena; Lugo Gil, Crisel Yalitze; Flores Anaya, Yadira Zulith; Galván Vela, Esthela
Challenges of female entrepreneurship.pdf.jpg2025-02-14Challenges of female entrepreneurship: Empowerment and resilience on the Tijuana borderGalván Vela, Esthela; Sorzano Rodríguez, Deisy Milena; Parra Elizalde, Karina
Identificación y jerarquización de los valores.pdf.jpg2023-12Identificación y jerarquización de los valores más importantes en opinión de estudiantes de Bachillerato de Ensenada, BC, con base en la propuesta de Gervilla (2000).Osuna Lever, Cecilia; Medina Barrios, María Eugenia
2024-01KalmanHD: Robust On-Device Time Series Forecasting with Hyperdimensional ComputingGomez Moreno, Ivannia; Yu, Xiaofan; Rosing, Tajana
2403.04759v1.pdf.jpg2024-03Lifelong Intelligence Beyond the Edge using Hyperdimensional ComputingYu, Xiaofan; Thomas, Anthony; Gomez Moreno, Ivannia; Gutierrez, Louis; Simunic Rosing, Tajana
FINAL_383-801-1-10-20240820 (1).pdf.jpg2024-05-05Path Planning Acceleration with GPU for an Omnidirectional Mobile RobotDumas León, Alejandro; Mendoza Gómez, Eduardo Arturo; Araujo González, Jorge Tomás; Orozco Rosas, Ulises; Picos, Kenia
Sin título.png.jpg2018-03Novel Multi-Platform Method for Improve the High-Performance-Networks Standards UnderstandingLópez-Leyva, Josué Aarón; Ponce Camacho, Miguel Ángel; Ramos-García, Raúl; Talamante, Ariana
2018-11Homologated propagation models for classical channel in FSO-QKD systemsLópez-Leyva, Josué Aarón; Talamante, Ariana; Ponce Camacho, Miguel Ángel; Castaeda, Mario; Arvizu Mondragón, Arturo; Santos-Aguilar, Joel; Ramos-García, Raúl
2018-07Conceptual design proposed for the M2-f/5-Nasmyth support system of the Telescopio San Pedro Mártir projectSierra Diaz, Gerardo; Herrera Vázquez, Joel; Michael, Richer; Lee Alardin, William; González, Jesús; Dueñas Mendoza, Rodrigo
2018-05A step towards identifying the sound preferences of children with autismCibrian, Franceli L.; Mercado, José; Escobedo, Lizbeth; Tentori, Mónica
2019-05UTIW: Urinary Tract Infection Workflow System towards early and automatic detection of Urinary Infection during pregnancyHirales-Carbajal, Adan; Escobedo Bravo, Lizbeth Olivia
2019-11Comparison between three control strategy applied to an electro-pneumatic 3-DOF platformRubio, Ernesto; Prieto-Entenza, Pablo José; Hernandez, Luis; Urquijo, Orlando
2019-11Simultaneous Non-Intrusive Monitoring of Environmental Parameters for Standard Time Synchronization as Part of the Westinghouse System of Rating in the Industrial SectorLópez-Leyva, Josué Aarón; Franco, Claudia; Martínez, Issac; Dueñas, Rodrigo; García, Mario; Lastra, Samantha; Meza, Oscar; Ponce Camacho, Miguel Ángel
2019-11Effects of frequency drift and harmonics in power factor correction systemsLópez-Leyva, Josué Aarón; Ponce Camacho, Miguel Ángel; Mejía, E.A.; Estrada, J.; Ramos García, V.M.
2019-02-20Artificial Intelligence and Labor: Media and Information Competencies Opportunities for Higher EducationLau Noriega, Jesús; Bonilla Esquivel, José Luis; Gárate Rivera, Alberto
2021-10Advanced Power Generation & Demand Forecasting Considering the Complete Energy Matrix using an Artificial Neural NetworkLópez-Leyva, Josué Aarón; Barrera-Silva, Carolina; Sarmiento-Leyva, Luisa Fernanda
Sin título.png.jpg2021-01Classification of Plastic Materials using a Microwave Negative-Order-Resonance Sensor and Support-Vector-MachineCovarrubias-Martínez, D.; Martínez-Rodríguez, O. A.; Lobato-Morales, H.; Medina-Monroy, J. L.
2021-03Graphical Interface to synthesize and implement a control algorithm in an embedded system with a bionic applicationArámbula, S.L.; Lindner, Lars; Ungson-Almeida, Yamel
Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 1 a 20 de 112